Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Unlimited Story Deck Results from March 2nd

Unlimited Story Deck at the Poets Playshop

Game #1

Once there was a benevolant ruler who decided to buid a memorial for his kingdom. (1) The memorial contained an urn of the ashes of a once great shaman (2) The decision was being made of where to place this. They decided to build it in the village of where the shaman was from. Not the largest city in the nation. It was proposed to have a contest to see what the inscription on the memorial should be (3). The nation to turn to the muses to seek inspiration for what the inscription should say. (4) The muses suggested that they should describe him as a superhero since the shaman had saved the town from the evil salesperson, who had tried to sell them evil (5) magic shoes that could make you fly. The Doctor said that that was completely ridiculous. “The muses should not be consulted. You are wasting your time” You see the doctor was a more logical thinker (6) He doesn't give a suggestions. Everyone is completely disoriented. Until the king goes and finds of the evil shoes and rubs it. A genie then pops out. (7) The genie is in fact a torturer employed by the salesman. He kidnaps the king and takes him away to a swamp to try to get information on the shaman. (8) Meanwhile, there is an aristocrat. His money was behind this project, but he felt that the muses may be sleeping. He was upset about his money not doing anything and the slow progress of the project. (9) Luckily the mythic god of athletics, nike, saw what was going on with the shoes and thought “I am in control of all the shoes and I don't like what is going on. This is absurd. So I will figure out what is going to go on the shrine.” (10) meanwhile while the nike god is taking on. The people in the village are performing and playing music and having a festival to raise money to save the king, but the festival turns into mutiny and a giant riot. While the riot is going on, the god nike has landed in the kitchen of the doctor who has naysayed the muses (11). The doctor says “This is absurd” The situation is becoming impossible. They need to use a time machine to go back to a time when the shoes were never there. (12) The town is really bored since there has never been evil shoes or shamans, so it turns into one giant opium den. (13) Now everything goes back to normal.

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